photography, models, design & art

Robby Basler

Heilbronner Straße 2

60327 Frankfurt am Main


Tel. 0049-69-271 34 731

photography for mode, beauty & people

model-management /scouting

design objects for living area


Founded: 1996 with model contest »miss ideal«

(Foto: Uwe Hauth)

(Sponsoren: Bruno Banani, Erler-Fashion, Golfclub Elbflorenz, Pape-Design Paris)


The company sprang from the »Basler & Co« advertising and press publishing house after its insolvency, of which Mr Basler was the owner and publisher of the »Südbrandenburger Zeitung« from 1990 to 1995. By 2002, experience had been gained in the fashion and modelling business. The artistic talent could flow into fashion photography work. New is the production of design objects in the field of home textiles.

»Satan's testicles / Satans Hoden«

Robby Basler / oil paint on canvas 150 x 150 cm / 2023

»Canonizationis Degussae / Heiligsprechung Degussas«

Robby Basler / oil paint on canvas 150 x 100 cm / 2024

»Imperium / Die Kontrolle«

Robby Basler / oil paint on canvas 150 x 150 cm / 2024

click here for more info


Robby Basler is the author of » Der Fall Germany « and a publicist who is committed to the rights of children and young people.


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He expresses closeness to nature and art with his appreciation of meat stones. He participates in international exhibitions with his collection.